Tuesday, June 25, 2013

CAMQG July Meeting

We will be holding our CAMQG July meeting on Tuesday, July 16th, at 6:30 p.m. at Meg Connor's home (address will be sent with RSVP).  Please feel free to bring along a dessert or appetizer to share (Meg will provide drinks and paper products).  The focus of the meeting will be:
  • Local guild dues
  • Member quilt show
  • Fall programming/activities
  • National Modern Quilt Guild membership steps/planning
At this meeting, we will be collecting our first official dues for the guild.  Due to the number of items that need to be completed prior to official Modern Quilt Guild national membership, we have decided that we will first begin collecting local dues and working toward completing the items necessary for national membership by the January 1 renewal date.  Dues for the first 6 months will be $15 (July-December). Checks should be made payable to Capital Area Modern Quilt Guild.  For membership in the guild, you will simply need to pay your dues and make sure that you have submitted a member information sheet.  Dues for the 2014 calendar year will be around $30 (still be determined) and will be collected in December.  FYI...in order to display a quilt in the fall member quilt show, you must be a dues paying member (quilt show information will follow this post).

We are asking that you please RSVP for this meeting by July 12th.  We hope that you can join us for the evening!

Here's wishing you happy stitching!

Meg and Jill

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