Monday, July 1, 2024

June 2024 Meeting

June 2024

Our meeting coincided with Quilt Label Week. Chelsea and Sharon gave us some great information on the importance of labels. Here are some examples from our members.

Sew and Share

Karen D - had three goals in mind: a queen size quilt, all from her stash (including backing), and the use of circles. What a beautiful improvisational outcome of greens, purples and blues in various darks, lights, and medium values.

Deb and Donna L. have MANY of these versatile bags. Contact them if you have use for some free bags.

 Joan - This unique pair of soft and stable shoes was customer made from
her own fabric through a HalfMoon Handwerks workshop.

 Chelsea - Chelsea enjoyed playing with selvedges in this small purse and name tag.

 Gay W. proudly showed of this runner and the small sampler of leftover fabrics. And what fun this colorful and versatile bag. 

Next Month 
Summer Picnic- we’re providing refreshments, you provide fabric to participate in the summer games. It’s not the Olympics so no need to train ahead of time.

Capital Area Modern Quilt Guild 
 New members are always welcome, contact us at

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