Congrats to all of our 2014 challenge participants! Our projects were as fun and diverse as our members!
Check out what other MQG members accross the country have made, by searching #mqgfabricchallenge on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter!
What's Coming up?
Sewing Day, Saturday, August 16th, 9:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m.:
- We look forward to seeing all of our members who RSVPed at Giant in Camp Hill for a fun day of sewing and socializing!
General Business Meeting, Tuesday, August 19th, 6:30 p.m. social time, 6:45 p.m. meeting:
- Project Show and Share - Bring along your in-progress and completed projects!
- Program: Show Us Your Crafts: We will be asking members to share other craft media they work in (garments, weaving, jewelry, woodworking, needlework, pottery, etc.) Bring sample projects and be ready to share what else occupies your time besides quilting.
Happy Quilting!
Capital Area Modern Quilt Guild
New members are always welcome, contact us at